ZooKeeper can be used for a variety of distributed coordination tasks. In addition to leader election, system bootstrapping, and various types of locks (mutual exclusion, reader/writer, etc), other synchronization primitives such as barriers, producer/consumer queues, priority queues, and multi-phase commit operations can be encoded in ZooKeeper. The ZooKeeper tutorial and recipes pages describe how to implement these algorithms. ZooKeeper itself is implemented in Java, but provides APIs for both Java- and C-based programs.
ZooKeeper can also be used as a central message board for an application. Individual nodes of a distributed system can store their current operational status in ZooKeeper for easy central reporting. The ZooKeeper service can also be used to form sub-groups of nodes or other hierarchical arrangements within a distributed system.
As mentioned, data stored in ZooKeeper is accessed by manipulating the nodes in the data hierarchy. This is done in a manner similar to file system access. But ZooKeeper does not implement the POSIX file system API. On the other hand, it also adds a set of other primitives not ordinarily found in a file system. Nodes can be opened with a number of special flags. One such flag is "ephemeral," meaning that the node disappears when the client who opened it disconnects. Another such flag is "sequence," which means that ZooKeeper will append a sequential id number to the node name you are trying to create. These id numbers are handed out in order, and the same id number is not reused. ZooKeeper does not provide exclusive locks on nodes directly, but a lock can be created by careful use of the ephemeral and sequence flags. The ZooKeeper recipes wiki page describes how to implement global locks using these flags. It also describes protocols for implementing shared (reader-writer) and revocable locks.